Benton County
Master Gardener Association
A collaborative project of the Corvallis Sustainability Coalition and Corvallis- Benton County Public Library,
with educational support from Benton County Master Gardeners and OSU Extension Service-Benton County.
Volunteer run, with free seeds and events, open to all for personal use.
Stocked with donated commercial seed packets of vegetables, herbs, and flowers.
Thanks to these generous contributors!
Adaptive Seeds
First Alternative Co-op
Garland Nursery
Natural Grocers - Corvallis Store
Peaceful Valley Farm & Garden Supply
Shonnard’s Nursery
The Thyme Garden
Winona Grange in Tualatin, OR
Friends of the Corvallis-Benton County Library
Area experts who volunteer as educational speakers
BCMG volunteers who offer pop-up vegetable garden plant clinics
Individual seed donors and seed rack helpers
Together we can grow more.