Benton County
Master Gardener Association
Our Next Annual Plant Sale and Clinic is
May 3, 2025, at the Benton County Fairgrounds
Gardeners, Mark Your Calendars!
The Benton County Master Gardener Association Annual Plant Sale and Clinic is Saturday, May 3, at the Benton County Fairgrounds, 110 SW 53rd St, Corvallis. For directions, use the link below.
The sale is under cover at the Solar Barn and in the Floral Courtyard, so don’t let a little rain keep you away. Hours are 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. You’ll find about 10,000 plants at great prices. Payment can be made by cash, check, credit or debit card.
Frequently Asked Questions---and Answers!
Landscape plants include sun and shade perennials, groundcovers, shrubs, vines, and trees for all kinds of gardening conditions. You’ll find about 2000 pots of native plants for supporting wildlife and enhancing your garden. Special collections include deer resistant and drought tolerant plants. Locally sourcing your plants ensures that they’ll do well in local garden conditions.
Vegetables and herbs include 17 different tomatoes, 9 peppers, eggplants, tomatillos, and more. Most of these carefully selected varieties not easily available locally. See the list of veg and herb starts here.
Benton County Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer your gardening questions and help you find plants suited to your own growing needs. Getting the right plant for the right place improves gardening success, which is what the BCMGA is all about.
Proceeds from the sale support educational programs in community. Master Gardeners run youth gardens in three elementary schools and answer hundreds of questions at farmer’s markets, local plant clinics, and through the Extension Office hotline. Hands-on gardening classes teach novices to grow their own food. Other programs include informative lectures and demonstration gardens. These programs and more are self-supporting though efforts like the plant sale.
For more information about the BCMGA, check the website at https://www.bentonmg.org/.
For information about how you can become a Master Gardener or Master Gardener Associate, contact the Benton County Extension Office at 541-766-6750 or e-mail otillia.schreuder@oregonstate.edu