Benton County
Master Gardener Association
Public Seed Library
Lecture Series Slides & Virtual Handouts
Thursday March 6, 2025: "Simple Worm Bin Farming" by Cynthia Dort, Dort Worm Farms:
Thursday February 20, 2025: "Companion Planting: Flowers and Herbs in the Garden" by
Darren Morgan, Shonnard's Nursery Manager and Educator:
Thursday January 16, 2025: "Growing Herbs from Seed" by Emily Stimac and Bethany Glanville, The Thyme Garden co-owners:
Thursday December 12, 2024: Summer Planted Crops for Winter Eating by Darren Morgan, Shonnard's Nursery Manager and Educator:
Thursday April 4, 2024: Practical Composting for Home Gardens, an interactive presentation by Frederick Livingston, former Biointensive Teacher/Farmer at Ecology Action in CA
Tuesday March 5, 2024: Garden Guidance for Harvesting & Saving Seeds with Adaptive Seed's
co-founder and "Seed Ambassador" Andrew Still
Thursday February 22, 2024: Starting & Growing Peppers & Tomatoes with Benton County Master Gardeners Jennifer Klammer, Cheryl Statton, Jill Farrow and Meleah Ashford
December 5, 2023: Growing Sprouts and Microgreens Indoors with Benton County Master Gardeners Jill Farrow and Jennifer Klammer
September 14, 2023: The Dirt on Dirt: Understanding, Evaluating, and Maintaining Your Soil with Shonnard's Nursery expert Darren Morgan
June 14, 2023: Vegetable garden organic pest management with Linn-Benton Master Gardener Rich Little
May 10, 2023: "Weather Wise Gardening": Understanding local microclimate, using weather forecasts & historical climate data in garden planning & decision-making with Mark Luterra, Wild Garden Seed
May 4, 2023: Keep it coming: Succession planting, thinning, row covers, and weeding with BCMG Emily Herb
April 12, 2023: Soil and fertilizer, use of compost, mulch, soil thermometer and row or hoop covers with BCMG Emily Herb
April 6, 2023: Starting seeds inside, direct seeding, and transplanting with BCMG Brenda Bye
March 8, 2023: Garden planning, crop families, succession gardening, and resources with BCMG Brenda Bye